Tutoring Assistance

Academic Support

Academic Support is a scheduled time at the close of the school day (M-Th) designed to provide time for personalized support and completion of missing, make-up, or inadequate work.

If a student is absent due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, Academic Support allows the teacher(s) the time to catch the student up with as little down time as possible. Homeroom or Specialist teachers will determine if your child could benefit from a little extra instruction.

  • Our classes are intended to progress at a brisk pace so that the children are engaged, interested, and growing.  Because children learn at different rates and some concepts and skills require additional guided practice to acquire mastery, we address these opportunities after regular dismissal with Academic Support.
  • Students who do not present their completed homework at the assigned time will be requested to complete or redo the assignment during Academic Support that day.  Our teachers use homework to gauge each child’s mastery, promptly address misconceptions, and build upon each child’s prior knowledge to teach to mastery. Homework is a real-time tool that we believe gives each student a prompt chance to practice independently while lessons are still solidifying in recall.
  • Teachers will also request attendance of Academic Support if a student’s classroom work does not meet our standards for timeliness, neatness, or accuracy.  We value the children’s active time and rather than use physical education or lunch/recess time, Academic Support allows the teachers to counsel and supervise those who need reinforcement to make the most of their school day.